After nearly two decades as a high-volume corporate chef, owner Jason Greenman embarked on a new journey to pursue a life-long passion of building experiences that last much longer than the length of a meal. He created a modest business, taking with him the skills of his past life: Passion, integrity and attention to detail. Perhaps the most surprising thing he encountered along the way was the antagonistic relationship you’ll often find between clients and contractors. Big companies with lots of overhead, a lack of honest conversation, and the all too often change order up-charge schemes. To top it off, your work gets sub-contracted out, only to leave you with a whole team in your house you’ve never met.

In today’s market its not uncommon to get estimates for work that leaves you wondering if you’re being taken advantage of. And heck, sometimes you just might be. Fancy new trucks, iPads, and the classic sales team polo might impress some, but at Bluegrass Home Improvements, we are a company built on people. A collection of family men who believe that the work we do echoes into our communities for years to come. It’s our belief that developing a personal relationship with every client, is the foundation to running a business that brings personal fulfillment, not just a financial one. We take pride in completing your project personally, and there’ll be no surprises when that first day of work rolls around. We will walk you through things from start to finish, being as transparent as possible along the way, answering your questions, explaining our invoices, and treating you like the neighbor you are. If you’re interested in learning more about our commitment to you, click below!